Endometriosis + PCOS Acupuncture

Talking all things Endo + PCOS

Endometriosis is a common, chronic, oestrogen dependent, inflammatory disease that effects as many as 1 in 10 women! This is not talked about enough and women are constantly suffering in silence.
A recent study taken place in Australia showed that women having acupuncture weekly for 8 weeks recorded a 48% drop in their pain levels with just 8 acupuncture sessions!
Acupuncture is proven to reduce pain and reduce the root cause of the pain not just the symptoms. Here at GLOWbody, our treatments are tailored to reduce your pain, bloating, balance your hormones and mood and help you live with your condition pain free! We assist both pre and post surgery as well as just regular maintenance and preventative treatment!

Is Acupuncture proven to help with Endometriosis Symptoms?

There’s promising science behind how acupuncture works and why it may be helpful for you. One study found that those with endometriosis experienced a 62% reduction in their pain after four weeks of treatment. The rate of pain reduction was clinically significant, and pain reduction remained slightly greater at the 8 week and 6 month follow-up. However, the differences in pain reduction were not statistically significant after 4 weeks.

What are some benefits Acupuncture may have on me for my Endometriosis symptoms?

1. Reduced Pain

Acupuncture can reduce pain by increasing our pain threshold and increasing our bodies release of endorphins, our natural pain reducer. Additionally, some studies also report acupuncture affects dopamine and serotonin levels, our feel-good hormones.  

2. Improved Immune Function

Studies have shown that acupuncture increases our immune response by supporting our immune system. Our bodies produce white blood cells (WBC) to help us fight infection and diseases. Acupuncture appears to increase a type of WBC. These types of cells, called natural-killer cells, are the ones that attack cancerous cells and abnormal tissues. For endometriosis, this could possibly also apply to endometriosis lesions. It is known that there is an immune dysfunction component with endometriosis, so supporting the immune system would be very helpful.

3. Decreased Cellular Estrogen Levels

One study reported that acupuncture may suppress serum estradiol (a type of estrogen). This hormone is often high in endometriosis cells, partly because endometriosis lesions create their own local supply of estradiol. Because estrogen stimulates endometriosis tissue growth, this suppression may help to reduce lesion size and pain.

4. Decreased Inflammation

A 2017 study found that acupuncture can reduce serum CA-125 levels. This is a blood marker that is associated with high levels of inflammation, and can be elevated in those with endometriosis. 

What should I book in under + When will I see results?

Book in under ‘Acupuncture’ on our online booking system.

Healing can take time. Sometimes patients feel improvement as soon as after just one visit, sometimes it takes several treatments before there is enough improvement that change is recognised. Your acupuncturist will discuss with you about what you should expect.

Fertile Tea?

We recommend our Fertile Tea as a great supplement to have alongside acupuncture to keep symptoms at bay as the herbs increase blood flow, warm the uterus and reduce pain levels of Endometriosis. The herbs in our Fertile Tea is supports ovulation, reduces PMS, regulates the hormonal and menstrual cycle, stabilises oestrogen levels and promotes/increases progesterone levels. We highly recommend to all women who suffer from Endometriosis or any women health issues.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately one in ten women. PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder among people of reproductive age.

The principal features of PCOS are lack of regular ovulation and/or menstruation, weight gain in excessive amounts, or the effects of androgenic hormones. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes are all strongly correlated with PCOS. There is also a strong genetic component. One of the main clinical signs of PCOS is the observation of numerous follicles in the periphery ovaries, often referred to as having the appearance of a “string of pearls”. Interestingly people who are polycystic ovulate much more frequently when they are underweight which might be an evolutionary trick to keep the population going in times of famine.


  • Oligomenorrhea (irregular menstruation), amenorrhea (no menstruation)

  • Hirsutism (excessive body hair)

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Acne

  • Dark patches of skin

  • LH:FSH ratio 2:1; instead of 1:1

  • Insulin resistance

  • Prolonged PMS

Is Acupuncture proven to help with PCOS Symptoms?

A study at Goteborg University in Sweden showed that electro-acupuncture may help some women with PCOS to ovulate. Electro-acupuncture was developed in China as an alternative to manipulating acupuncture needles by hand. It involves the application of a pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles as a means of stimulating the acupuncture points.

PCOS + Ovulation + TTC

Typical solutions are providing acupuncture + herbal formula to help regulate progesterone and estrogen levels. We also use acupuncture points and prescribe herbal formulas to help clear stagnation and help rid the body of the excess estrogen floating around. Another good way to do this is by adding Probiotics to make sure the colon is clearing out excess estrogen.

We have had a lot of success in helping patients resume ovulatory cycles. Depending on the severity of the condition it can take 3-12 months to regulate a cycle. If you are looking to get pregnant quickly, PCOS responds very well to Assisted Reproductive Technology which can be an effective way to get things moving. We do, however, suggest three months of treatment to help adjust the hormone levels in the body so the eggs that are stimulated are more hormonally balanced.

See an acupuncturist for help restoring ovulation and achieving hormonal balance. Ideally, allow at least three months of treatment before trying to conceive. Follicles exposed to excess androgens will be of poor quality and lead to a higher risk of miscarriage. We will have a full consultation with you & assist your fertility journey / PCOS lifestyle.